You pay $50/month for your project, but one day you woke up to a $70,000 bill...
I received an insanely bill of 22k USD today from simply using BigQuery on a public data set in the playground...
9.000 page visits and I have to pay $250/month for it, that is $3000/year...
We asked Devin (AI) to make a change in our codebase....
Never had to pay anything and suddenly im billed $530....
Woke up to an almost $400 bill for my documentation site...
Why $103 is a horror story? Well, imagine that you are on a free tier...
So freaking speechless right now....
Cloudflare took down our website after trying to force us to pay 120k$ within 24h...
Imagine you create an empty, private AWS S3 bucket in a region of your preference...
Sent $11k worth of emails during DoS attack, then lost my database...
So I received an email from Netlify last weekend saying that I have a $104,500.00 bill overdue...
What is happening?! Someone spammed EchoFox and spiked my Vercel bill to $23k and caused 56k+ accounts and trials...
Attention Vercel users. Be careful what you test or deploy to Vercel. I decided to try out...
My sitemap.txt used hundreds of GB/hours apparently...
We Burnt $72K testing Firebase + Cloud Run and almost went Bankrupt...